Kamis, 31 Mei 2018


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What is Bountie

Bountie is a platform for gamers in Asia to earn a living while playing their favorite games. Using the latest technologies in Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, our platform reduces the likelihood of cheating, high transaction costs and introduces new experiences in the field of esports and games.

Game Ecosystem Runs Around Gamers, Merchants, and Bounty.

Merchants are parties such as Computer Hardware companies like Razer, MSi, Dell Alienware, and also game developers like Bluehole Studio Inc. (For an unusual playground) & Valve Corporation (For Counterstrike). These merchants sell their products through Bountie to Gamers.

Bountie also created sweepstakes and tournaments that allowed Gamers to win the product. Bountie will also work with Merchants to collect product feedback, creating in-house content. So, create an Ecosystem, where everyone needs everyone.

Market opportunity.

Gamers worldwide accounted for 2.2 billion and over the years grew 7.8%. In the Asia Pacific market is very promising. By far the largest region is China. China can be expected to generate $ 27.5 billion, or a quarter of all revenue in 2017. Especially from the Asian market has generated 47% of total revenue.

Problems and solutions


Monetization is lacking. The value of the results if mendaptkan is also very limited and the winner will get a lot of results while for the losers did not memppatkan results. In today's development, gamers are developing very fast and there is no game search tool. Game enthusiasts also complain about limited competition in the network. Career opportunities for gamers are also not considered.


Create platforms for creating player data, stores, matches, and finding potential teams. Creating such a platform will make it easier for players to get more results. Bounti also berinofasi to give results as is. Provide gamers services to compete and know their position.

Mission of the Future

Bounti has a vision of foresight. Bountie sees that the Esport game market will grow very rapidly, therefore Bountie being the middle road bridgeing Esport players and casual gamers and letting everyone have a chance to earn a living from their beloved work (game) in a way. Bountie will create a competitive facility. Making Coin Payments Named BOUNTIE COIN for basic gamers on trading bets, and buying Bountie games will also create a platform for competitive search, bids, content and vieo.

The Bountie Bounty feature uses algorithms to match players with the appropriate skills. This feature maintains a level of competitiveness by ensuring fair and suitable, Leadingbo style tournaments. This board contains ratings updated every two months.
The above players will receive earnings on the outcome of the game. Players will fill Bounty token by filling in every day. Get x number of murder victories in various social media.

Award from Bountie

Bountie will reward this creator with Bounty Coins and Merchandize instead of their time and effort
Bountie will collaborate with professional Gamers for games listed on our platform to share with the general public via Bountie Platform, Youtube and Twitch tips like "How to play better", "Strategy Games", "Tactics" and more to help newbies to increase opportunities them to win against more experienced players.
Gamers can upload and share video content with Bounty. Content that is educative, entertaining, inspiring, creative, and positive

Coin Acquisition

Coins can be purchased through a bounty game platform
Hold on to the game after defeating other players.
Getting the top 10 on our gameplay board.
Praised from doing searches like playing times game counts, daily logins
From the referral award
Promotion and gift marketing.
Budget allocation
Funds raised from presale sales and general sales. Gamers who want to play and practice.


Tokens in this amount are used in this amount of money, otherwise it is used for hosting fees, transactions, overhead costs, and other equipment.


Our marketing budget will be used to get customers to join our Bountie platform and ecosystem. Using digital ads, promotions, offline & online tournaments, referral campaigns to encourage adoption and awareness.


Funds are needed to facilitate and build relationships with potential Bountie partners. Such as the use of sponsorship, purchases, expenses and other expenses.

Security & Legal

This is very important for Bountie. We will conduct an audit & test for our professional & thorough platform before each release.

Tokens and Contracts

Bountie coins made using Ethereum, s ERC20 are standard, formal tokens and satandar in mining. Bountie Coin makes 200 Million coins and 150 uta intended for sale. For investors who join will receive a bonus. And all unsold tokens will be held by the team for 6 months.

Sales Opening

December 11, 2017 - January 5, 2018
Bountie Token Value
1ETH = 2000 + 300 Bountie Coins
Bonus awarded
Every Investor will get 15% bonus from what they buy.
Number of tokens
75% or 105 million Bountie Coins
December 15 - January 31, 2018
Bountie Token Value
1ETH = 2000 Bountie Coins
Number of tokens
45 million Bountie Coins


Bountie Coins & Tokens


AUTHOR: Gunting


Cryptocurrency is currently one of the most powerful trades. Digital currency uses a public accounting system for file transactions sent from one person to the next. We are confident that the future of the current system will depend on the development of Blockchain technology and Community Reform. Blockchain can - in our difference - to be used positively from the financial system. For some time, we have worked hard in blockchain and Cryptocurrency technology. We found, that is because of strong volatility and high anonymity, people are more speculating with Cryptocurrency than using money as currency. This is why the PAYERA idea appears to use Cryptocurrency without worry. We will create a secure multifunction platform that will be easy to operate. After we've put together the initial concept, we get - after a short presentation - interested partners and consultants and with that we manually build our team. In the process of optimizing our main product down to the detail, something extraordinary has emerged: All-in-One-conept That allows us to operate even more in the marketplace.

Business plan

The main source of revenue is the cost system. Users can change their account for businesses for a fee. Total cost of purchase will be 1% - not 2.9% -5% in competitor market. The cost per article sold is $ 0.05-0.50, depending on the value of the item. Private sellers will be able to sell 10 articles per month for free, by paying additional fees to allow access for sale.

ICO is needed to improve business and build teams, to promote products and markets. The team is targeting 6 million personal users and 100 thousand international business accounts registered on the platform within the first 3 years of work.

Marketing strategy

WP can not produce, no information about the distribution of funds collected. Recent social media accounts, active and responsive teams.

Team Member Team has background and experience in crypto field. Advisors have expertise in politics, strategy, and IT management.

Market Vision

Target market online shopping and cryptocurrency is very saturated and crowded, but there is no market analysis in WP. It is well known that Payera will operate in Asia and move into the global market in stages.

Understanding the Target Audience

Segmentation is very basic and complete two large groups: buyers and sellers. Need for further segmentation (e.g., serving user demographics or by merchandise categories from sellers).

Competitive advantage

There is no strategic analysis in WP. The Payera ecosystem is unique in the way of conservation of three concepts - online payments, online shopping, and credit cards. But there are great players like Alibaba, Tencent (owner of WeChat), Baidu, JD.com - just a few names - that have all the functionality to make the ecosystem better and with fewer resources.

PAYERA Project Ecosystem

The PAYERA project will cover 3 key areas on the cost of kriptovalyutnost: a paid platform that with buyers and sellers, an online SHOPERA store and a simple CARTERA cryptocurrency payment card, which also works at ATMs. To find out the most advanced, Ethereum Casper-Protocol Proof of Stake. The amazing thing about PAYERA - replacement of mixing costs will be donated.

PAYERA features

For the convenience of the user, there is a built-in exchange. The seller will be evaluated by the buyer. A good rating will make a direct payment and entrance fee. Incoming wallet will have fingerprint, facial recognition or pin code. You will have your own private key, PAYERA will not have access to the user account.


SHOPERA can be used by individuals and the sale of new and used goods. The seller will be charged in the amount of 0.05 to 0.50 US dollars, depending on the value of the goods. People who sell less than 10 articles per month can use this platform for free.

CARDERA Function

Card payment-Crypto will create instructions even in offline mode. The unique price of this card is $ 20 dollars.
Advantages of platform:
• a convenient menu with all the tools necessary for crypto currency operations
; • high
; • Fast transactions
; • the ability to issue tokens at external partner stores
; • selling local internal transactions
; This is used for the customer
• Low cost for sellers

PERA and Crowdsdale Token

Ticker (short name): PERA
Token type: ERC20 (Casper)
Total limit (total): 2 100 000 000
Soft Cap (minimum destination): $ 8,000,000
Hard Cap (maximum target): $ 60,000,000
Presale (pre-sale): May 30, 2018- June 15, 2018
Crowdsdale (sale): June 20, 2018 - July 18, 2018
Price token in presale: 0.035 US dollars
Token price in crowdsdale: 0.05 USD
Payment methods: ETC, BTC, LTC, DASH, BCH
Unsold selling tokens will be distributed proportionally between owners
Country: Singapore


30.05.18 - 15.06.18 PRE-ICO
20.06.18 - 18.07.18 ICO


Atakan Ali Yildirim: CEO / Co Founder
Masrur Odinaev: CTO / Co Founder
Delia Teran: Marketing Manager & Recruiters
Gian Luca Struth: Head of Marketing
Benjamin Vogt: Head of Design
Daniel Migrov: Developer
Samet Dogan: Project Manager
Matthias Wernig: Expert, Marketing & PR
Fatih Yildiz: Finance and Strategy Manager
Oleksii Liubchenko: Web Development
Kristina Maisinger: Designer
Maxim Mucharov: CDO

More information Follow Link Bellow:

AUTHOR: Gunting


solusi manajemen identitas berbasis blockchain yang aman dan lengkap


Artikel ini menjelaskan solusi yang diusulkan oleh organisasi dalam konteks tantangan proses KYC dan solusi yang diajukan oleh Persona. Persona adalah solusi manajemen identitas berbasis blockchain yang memungkinkan individu untuk dengan mudah memperbarui data ke pihak ketiga atau untuk mengurangi upaya oleh klien korporat yang menjaga data mereka tetap mutakhir.

Persona menggunakan teknologi ARCH Blockchain dan teknologi canggih lainnya untuk menyediakan solusi identitas yang aman dan lengkap. Produk ini sesuai dengan persyaratan DSGVO dan menyediakan cara aman untuk menyimpan, membagikan, dan memproses data.

Persona dirancang sebagai aplikasi terdesentralisasi tanpa satu titik kegagalan dan menyimpan semua catatan yang dienkripsi. Individu memiliki kontrol atas rincian detail yang ingin mereka bagikan, dengan siapa mereka berbagi dan untuk berapa lama. Dengan peluncuran Bitcoin pada akhir tahun 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto memberikan wawasan tentang teknologi di balik desentralisasi blockchain-nya.

Tujuan utama Persona adalah:

Gunakan identitas layanan manajemen individu berdasarkan teknologi blockchain.

Untuk melindungi detail pribadi individu. Meski sudah jelas itu
individu perlu memberikan detail kepada entitas yang berbeda,
tetapi mereka tidak memiliki kendali atas mereka sesudahnya. Persona membawa orang kembali ke kursi pengemudi.

Berdayakan semua orang dan beri mereka kuasa atas apa yang mereka bagikan dan dengan siapa, ketika menyangkut identitas dan detail pribadi mereka.

Pihak ketiga yang diizinkan untuk bekerja dengan data pribadi dapat memperkaya layanan mereka dengan menawarkan kepercayaan sebagai layanan.

Untuk mencegah berita palsu, yang disediakan oleh sistem manajemen identitas terdesentralisasi, Persona akan memberikan tingkat kepercayaan yang kita semua butuhkan ketika kita mengandalkan berita Berdasarkan pada pencipta profil publik semua orang, kita dapat terus melacak berita ke sumber.

Untuk mengoptimalkan proses onboarding, karena beberapa entitas yang terdaftar mungkin telah diperiksa dalam sistem

Poin utama teknologi Blockchain:

Ganti perantara: Tidak perlu situs tepercaya yang melibatkan kedua pihak dalam transaksi dapat dipercaya.
Desentralisasi: Tidak ada satu pun titik kegagalan saat itu
hampir tidak mungkin untuk menyerang jaringan.
Ketidakmampuan: Catatan yang ditulis dalam Blockchain selamanya,
tidak bisa diubah

Persona menggunakan fitur Blockchain, yang memungkinkan perusahaan untuk menawarkan layanan KYC kepada pihak ketiga dan mendapatkan manfaat dari layanan masing-masing. Review Proses ini memiliki dua level: Komunitas dan Profesional KYC.

Tipe persona KYC

Tingkat pertama diwakili oleh komunitas yang identitasnya
diperiksa oleh rekan kerja. Ini adalah upaya kerja sama yang mendorong orang untuk mengonfirmasi identitas lain dan mengkonfirmasi keaslian dokumen dan identitas orang yang meminta peninjauan. Orang yang menawarkan layanan verifikasi akan ditampilkan di situs web Persona. Anda akan dihargai untuk verifikasi dengan menerima PRS. Ambang batas untuk verifikasi ditunjukkan di bawah ini

Instruksi dibagi menjadi beberapa tingkatan berdasarkan pada jumlah ulasan. Persentase maksimum seseorang dapat menerima bila dilihat oleh publik adalah 90%. Sisa 10% hanya dapat dicapai jika mitra swasta (institusi, perusahaan utilitas atau perusahaan) mengakui validitas data.

Berdasarkan aktivitas dan saham Persona mereka, orang yang memverifikasi layanan untuk orang lain dapat mencapai hingga 30%. Ini berarti Anda hanya dapat melihat 3 orang yang dapat menawarkan tingkat persetujuan 30% untuk mencapai tingkat verifikasi 90%.

Daftar dokumen yang diperlukan untuk menyebarkan KYC adalah:

Paspor atau paspor atau dokumen yang dikeluarkan oleh negara (dokumen asli)
Salin atau catat ID Anda
Pernyataan bank atau tagihan yang membuktikan tempat Anda tinggal
Dokumen-dokumen tersebut kemudian disimpan dalam IPFS dan ditandatangani oleh dam dan cek dari kedua belah pihak pada verifikasi masing-masing orang. Profesional KYC mewakili proses yang dialami individu ketika melibatkan entitas yang membutuhkan proses verifikasi identitas. Entitas ini sekali

Teknologi Arsitektur (Desain Blockchain)

Persona akan menggunakan Teknologi Terdistribusi Teknologi Ledger (Blockchain) untuk mengelola izin pengguna, transaksi persetujuan, dan kredensial. Kami akan menggunakan blockchain kami sendiri yang disebut "The Persona Blockchain", yang memiliki karakteristik sebagai berikut:

DPOS blockchain dengan 51 cabang capchain ark (ark.io)
Blockchain akan tersedia untuk umum dan menyediakan interoperabilitas dengan blockfain lain melalui Smart Bridges. Smart Bridge memungkinkan blockchain untuk berkomunikasi antara informasi yang saling terhubung dan sebaliknya.
Persona secara natif akan mengintegrasikan solusi pada level blockchain, seperti IPFS,
yang akan membebaskan dokumen dan file antar pengguna.

Kasus Persona DSGVO

GDPR adalah hukum Eropa yang bertujuan memperkuat, menstandardisasi, dan mengkompensasi perlindungan data bagi semua orang di tingkat Eropa. Ia terpilih dan diadopsi pada April 2016 dengan masa transisi dua tahun dimulai pada 25 Mei 2018.

Kemungkinan konsekuensi ketidakpatuhan terhadap GDPR untuk perusahaan h:

Risiko posisi dan ketenaran - Menerapkan aturan dan kewajiban DSGVO untuk menginformasikan pihak berwenang pelanggaran data akan meningkatkan penuntutan. Yang pertama menyangkut posisi pasar dan reputasi perusahaan yang dikompromikan.
Risiko Geografis - Aturan baru berlaku untuk semua perusahaan dan
organisasi yang menawarkan barang dan / atau layanan ke pasar UE atau
pantau perilaku warga Uni Eropa untuk menyediakan barang dan / atau jasa. Ini juga semua data analitik perusahaan yang disertakan
Sanksi - Untuk perusahaan yang gagal memenuhi ketentuan baru GDPR, hukuman yang signifikan hingga 4% dari perputaran global tahunan atau € 20 juta, mana yang lebih besar, akan dikenakan.

Token kalender / rencana penjualan

Penjualan Pribadi: 15.12.2017-15.01.2018
Penjualan Umum I: 23.01.2018-30.01.2018
Penjualan umum II: 01.02.2018-08.02.2017
Penjualan umum III: 09.02.2017-16.02.2018
Distribusi Token: 30.03.2018

Token orang (PRS)

Jumlah token yang ditetapkan adalah 100.000.000 PRS. Harga untuk token PRS adalah $ 0,2. Alokasi total untuk 100.000 PRS adalah:

70.000.000 PRS akan ditugaskan ke TGE. 15.000.000 PRS dialokasikan untuk tim pendirinya. Token yang ditugaskan ke tim diadakan untuk jangka waktu tiga tahun, dibagi ke dalam pembayaran tahunan berikut:

10% dalam Kejadian;
30% setelah 12 bulan
30% setelah 24 bulan
30% setelah 36 bulan
12.000.000 PRS ditugaskan untuk Startup Dana Persona
1.000.000 PRS akan dialokasikan ke konsultan. Token yang diberikan kepada penasihat harus digunakan dalam 6 bulan

2.000.000 PRS dialokasikan untuk hadiah

TGE dialokasikan 70.000.000 PRS, yang dibagi menjadi tiga tahap:

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi / klik di bawah ini:

AUTHOR: Gunting

Rabu, 30 Mei 2018

ICO Kaching Coins

Hello, I want to let you know about this ico. Let's start.

As you can see, cryptocurrency is a digital currency created and managed through the use of advanced encryption techniques known as cryptography.

We are building the Most Sustainable and Most Complete Trading and Investment Ecosystem for Coins to be Used (Kachingcoins). Our goal is to create the most money available on Blockchain.

Many ICO investors fail to see ICO as an IPO. ICO "Initial Coin Offering" and IPO, "Initial Public Offering", are similar in many ways. When a company goes public with an IPO, before you invest, you will research the company. You will see the Founders, company assets, market share, growth potential and more. It seems that most people forget that when looking at ICO, they are blinded by the whole trend of "Get Rich Quick", and thus they unknowingly invest in ICO-Traps.

We are building our Most Sustainable and Most Complete Trading and Investment Ecosystem for Coins (Kachingcoins) to use. Our goal is to also make the most useable coins in Blockchain. We will not only have a Social Trading Platform (Kaching.Global) where merchants can use kachingcoins (KAC) to trade Forex, Stocks, Indexes, Energy, Agriculture, Crypto and Precious Metals, but we will also have a Broker (Kachin Market) , Crypto Currency Exchange (Kaching.Exchange), Finance and Trade Academy (Kaching.Education), R & D Labs (Kaching.Tech) and in the future, much more! By utilizing our coins in our ecosystems in one component, we create stable and constant supply and demand. Creating strong supply and demand for coins in the US $ 5.3 Trillion market creates enormous value for our coins.

In a recent interview with Vitalik Buterin conducted at the ETHWaterloo hackathon held in Canada, he stated that more than 80% of ICO or ERC20 tokens launched at Ethereum Platform are likely to fail. One of the main reasons for this failure is the lack of sustainable business models (Ecosystems and no way to actually utilize coins in ecosystems) Having a strong understanding of what Buterin says, Kaching has successfully designed and created a perfect ecosystem for Kachingcoins.

Consider fiat currency, gold standard time has long since disappeared, and the only reason fiat currency has got the value is believing has value, supply demand, and of course, the market where it can be utilized. In order for a token or an ongoing ICO, some basic underlying uses are necessary to be valuable. It takes a strong Ecosystem, a market where coins can be utilized, not only strong, but also great. Kaching Ecosystem has built strong foundation in Forex, Stock, Trade, and Investment Industry, market size over USD $ 5 Trillion. Secondly, there needs to be a dearth of coins to create deeper and stronger demand for coins, Kachingcoins will be non-minable with only 247,000 000 KAC being released. Finally, there must be a definite potential for the expansion of the market space.

In the future we will expand into further investment and capital growth venues, to truly become the Most Sustainable and Complete Trade and Investment Ecosystem Supported by Blockchain, this is to deliver tremendous value to each and every ICO participant Kaching.

In this series of blog posts we have compiled a list of basic questions, which ICO investors should ask before considering investing in any ICO. We'll explore each point in detail through more blog posts.

About Kaching

Financial freedom is a constant thing when asking people about their financial ambitions. However, 90% of traders and investors lose money because of making desperate and emotional decisions with their hard-earned savings to get ahead in life. They are also greatly deprived of the ambiguities and hidden agendas of certain centralized institutions. In these centralized institutions, the information sections are ineffective and third party manipulations are endemic. KachingCoin is developed with one goal in mind, to create a decentralized and transparent global network for people, to diversify their investments and secure their financial freedom. Explore KachingCoin, The Most Complete Investment Ecosystem Powered by Blockchain.

KACHET Coins (KAC) will be the sole mechanism for transferring values ​​in the life-respiratory ecosystem in all subsystems and micro-ecosystems by offering a complete investment and trading ecosystem - We create value for investors and KAC users. Kaching Coins is really the easiest token to use. With ready-made products ready to be tested by Pre-ICO investors, Kaching Coins is the most complete investment ecosystem in the world, supported by Blockchain. Kaching is one of the outcomes of the development of a blockbuster industry that has experienced good performance and good ideas based on a system that directly opens opportunities for investors to be more open with symbolic investments. Being one of the first platform platforms to be produced, the company wants to realize and help investors to be more worried about the world's most suffering economic weakness in the concept of gotong royong as an investment that can be exchanged by registered users in this blockchain. Some Important Points of the Kaching Platform This will be a moment when most of the registered investors or potential investors who start their business on this platform will do business.

Solutions For Market Needs

1. Transparency, Accountability, Safety, Security, Speed, and Trust.

So how does Blockchain respond to Transparency, Accountability, Safety, Security, Speed, and Trust needs? To answer this question, let's look at the following diagram first:

2. Deposit and Withdrawal Methods Faster and Easier.

Especially in developing countries, there is an inherent need for easy storage and withdrawal services. Using Token Kaching, Powered by Blockchain, and a combination of local deposits and other smart payment systems, deposits and withdrawals have never been easier. Safe, secure, traceable and fully transparent.

3. Client.

Kaching has identified three keys of Customer Client Type; Brokers, Investors, and Investment Managers (Traders) Understanding the needs of the Client Archetypes, we have skillfully tailored our services to address these important issues.


Brokers will be accepted to create their company profile on the Kaching Social Trading Platform. Here they will be able to reach larger markets and communicate easily to prospective traders and even IBs.


Every user of any Social Media Platform can advise you that the User Interface and Usage of the software are essential to the User Experience and Functional Platform. The ability to search (Info and Fund), Allocation (Info and Capital), and Share (Info and Experience) easily are some of the most important priorities when thinking of "Investor Experience".

Kaching Ecosystem

The Kaching ecosystem will be the most complete investment ecosystem supported by Blockchain, which provides exceptional value to each and every other participant. The Kaching Coin (KAC) will be the center and source of ecosystem strength. Each individual section will also contribute to the appreciation of KAC values.

Why Kaching Is Different and Better

Forbes.com, Mega.online, and Quara.com are just a drop of water on an online website with articles claiming that cryptocurrency is faster, safer, and more convenient than other competitors out there. Backed by blockchain, it claims ka-ching with confidence is evident as we evolve into the most complete ecosystem of commerce and investment in the world.

Kaching will sport various trading products. With 160 trading instruments in 7 categories; Forex, Stocks, Indexes, Metals, Energy, Cryptocurrency, and Agriculture, Kaching will be one of the most diverse trading platforms in the world. Combine with other services we provide; Brokers, Exchange, Payment Systems, Banking and Wallet Solutions, Venture Funds and Funds, Social Trades and R & D, Kaching will truly become the Financial Sutra Trade Line in the 21st century.

Kaching Coins-Most Complete Investment Ecosystem Supported by Blockchain

Why KachingCoins?

Financial freedom is a constant thing when asking people about their financial ambitions. However, 90% of traders and investors lose money because of making desperate and emotional decisions with their hard-earned savings to get ahead in life. They are also greatly deprived of the ambiguities and hidden agendas of certain centralized institutions. In these centralized institutions, the information sections are ineffective and third party manipulations are endemic. KachingCoins is developed with one goal, to create a decentralized and transparent global network for people, to diversify their investments and secure their financial freedom. Explore KachingCoins, The Most Complete Investment Ecosystem Powered by Blockchain.

"The main reason why Kaching is intrinsically different from most ICOs out there is the fact that our ecosystem is built to value tokens. We already have products and we have a client base that will use tokens throughout the Ecosystem. It's grown! It is inevitable! "- Stephan Roos.

Ready to use

- Millions of dollars already invested in ecosystem platforms.

- World-Wide Communities

- More than 100,000,000 investors worldwide.

- Big Market Cap

- The size of the instrument market investment of 20 trillion dollars.

Sales Token (KAC)

Every change in this company has a very special commercial value. Facilitating potential investors is one of the things that CryptoCurrency companies should classify in the world, but providing clear and detailed details and at the same time a roadmap that determines whether a company truly values ​​future investors. potency. If you are looking for a place to negotiate a market in the currency market, this is the solution you can take as one of the main options of cryptographic trading market based on the blockchain platform. It comes with the latest blockchain technology platform KACHING COINS Market is one of the great benefits for shareholder profits and is one of crypto exchange through the market democracy system. Not only that KACHING COINS here, as a place to trade with cryptography,

Budget allocation

Most of the current Trading Platform will not be able to offer you the option to diversify your allocation of funds when it comes to investing in various trading instruments. With the kaching ecosystem, you will be able to allocate your capital into different investment flows so as to manage your risks better and not have all your capital in a proverbial egg basket. The diversity and adjustment of investments is part of what Kaching wants to offer to the market.

The Tokenization and Bonus Program

Token Standart - Ethereum ERC 20 Token

Token Name - Kaching Coin (KAC) Screenshot (36) .png

Decimal - 18 **

Number of tokens - 247 million

Kaching coin (KAC) functions as a mechanism for transferring values ​​in the Kaching Ecosystem. 50% of total tokens will be released in Pre-ICO and ICO Phase.

Project Schedule

2015 - 2017: Foundation Project

Idea creation, team building, Kint Global Fintech Ltd. established in London, England. Company number 11095157

February 2018: Private Sales Token

Private token distribution round for initial users with a bonus of 66% in just 2 weeks

Mar 2018: Private Sales Token

The first and second rounds are open for token releases. Each round only lasts for 2 weeks. Buy with a bonus of 33%.

Apr 2018: Pre ICO

4 main rounds release tokens for public. Each round only lasts for 2 weeks. Buy with a bonus of 25%

May 2018: ICO

Kaching Coin (KAC) began to be listed on the internal and global exchanges, facilitating trade.

Sep 2018: Grand Launching

Social Trade Platform, the first key element in an ecosystem where investors, traders, IB share profits with each other

Q1, 2019: Massive Funds and Users

Bringing world-class funds dramatically increases the profitability of investors and the total value of ecosystems

Later: Complete Ecosystem

Develop Academy, RnD Lab, All ecosystems and start distributing dividends to sign holders.


- Stephan Roos - Director of Investor Relations

- Simon Mark - Social Trading Expert / Co-founder

- Derek Sandheinrich - Fintech Expert / Co-founder

- Tahsin Haykal - Fintech Expert / Co-founder

- Kevin Millien - Expert / Broker Advisor

- Tung Phan - Specialist / Human Resource Advisor

- James Thai - Expert / Technical Advisor


For More About This ICO, Visit:

AUTHOR: Gunting

Selasa, 29 Mei 2018

ROCATI - Is the first cryptocurrency related to concrete goods

What is ROCATI?
ROCATI is the first cryptocurrency associated with a real asset: real estate property

"ROCATI was born to start the real economy of a country through the purchase of real estate properties, and plans to become the global reference currency of the industry."

Our vision

With ROCATI we plan to help revive the real estate market and, as a consequence, revive the real economy. We are at the beginning of the revolution in financial markets and we plan to be part of this challenge as a leader.

ROCATI's core business is tied to concrete, not speculation, in the context of property renovations that pay particular attention to the environment, with the goal of reducing energy wastage.

Our strategy encourages financial innovation in the real estate industry, which aims to disseminate safety and protection to offer a convenient, secure and reliable solution for consumers. Our added value is transparency and professionalism. ROCATI will bring all potential customers to the same level, giving trust to those who have the wisdom to buy it. Anyone will have the opportunity to buy an apartment that has been renovated, without a nightmare should access the credit line. ROCATI is the only cryptocurrency in the world that connects to the concrete value that allows you to buy a home.

People who buy ROCATI will be part of an exclusive club that offers three benefits: protecting your savings, letting you buy your dream home, and helping couples to build families.

Why ICO?

During the ICO phase, 45 million ROCATI will be placed on the market, with a value of one euro for each token. The results will be used for the creation of the largest real estate project in the world, whose strength will be based on a chain of purchasing and selling agents, supported by companies that will guarantee credit through cryptocurrency.


  • Q1 2017 - It's time for cryptocurrency to really take a big leap forward.

ROCATI recognizes the need to stand out from other types of electronic money:
the digital currency that will grow thanks to the real assets of the brick.

  • Q4 2017 - This project is done by defending absolute right to home from anywhere

creditor. The transferrable agreement, a form of lease to be purchased with 100% of funding through ROCATI,
is a market-waiting form solution. By simply completing the property sale deed after
full payment has been made, the buyer ensures their property can not be attacked.

  • 2018-2021 - ROCATI Limited was established by a team from Italy with a wide spectrum

skills and skills - structural engineers, architects and designers, IT engineers,
financial experts, real estate agents and journalists specializing in brand identity. The main purpose
through the ITARCO estate agency is to occupy the major capitals of Europe to communicate
to the general public the benefits and real usefulness of ROCATI.

  • 2021-2024 - Asia is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Increase in earnings

and consumer power, have consolidated the middle class increasing their demand for goods
and service. For this reason, driven by rapid market growth such as Vietnam,
India, Philippines, China and Indonesia, Asia is a major destination for global investors.
By 2026, Asia will have 35% of the world's real estate.

Creation of real estate values in Asia:

  • India: There is a wide lack of necessary commercial and retail space

filled. The realities of existing real estate are outdated and need to be updated.

  • China: The real estate sector in China is clearly growing. What comes up is a strong need

for commercial real estate to ensure the export of goods flows harmoniously.

  • Japan: There is a strong opportunity for investment in the housing sector. Very real

Portfolio estate, with high rent and low management costs, is a point of interest for
global markets.

Recommended for users

For those who approach the world of cryptocurrency for the first time, it is very important to
understand that a very important role is played by security and optimal management
investation. We always recommend to save ROCATI in your personal wallet. Password and
the access key must be exclusively held by the account holder to prevent anyone from accessing it
personal wallets and doing transactions they do not know.

For more information, click the link below:

AUTHOR: Gunting

Senin, 28 Mei 2018

Cryptonia Options Poker Game Using Crypto

Poker is a family of card games that combines gambling, strategy, and skills. All poker variants are tied to bets as an intrinsic part of the game and determine the winner of each hand on the basis of a combination of player cards, at least some of which remain hidden until the end of the hand. The poker game differs in the number of cards handled, in the number of cards shared or in the community, in the number of hidden cards and in gambling procedures.

In most modern poker games, the first betting round that starts with one or more players takes some form of forced betting. In standard poker, every player bets on the basis of ratings they deem worthy of being compared to other players. This action then proceeds clockwise, because each player in turn must match or call the previous maximum or fold bet, lose the bet amount up to that point and all current obligations further. Players matching the bet can also raise or increase the bet. The bet interval ends when all players have called the last bet or folded. If all players except a one-fold in every round, the remaining players collect the pots without being asked to open their hands. If, after the last betting round, more than one player remains in the race, the match will follow where the hand is revealed and the player takes the pot with winning hand.

Cryptonia poker sensation comes along with transparency and cryptocurrency values ​​in the online poker room based on blockchain technology. Players can benefit from the availability of competitive opportunities, discounts and added value offered by our regular business promotions and potential assessments of their Cryptonia in connection with the strong economic development of poker around the currency, the official website http: //www.cryptonia. poker/
An online cryptocurrency poker device and we have actually built and tested it. The founding team has taken money and efforts to ensure the continuity of the platform and make it very transparent.

The advantages of participating poker players, poker-based online blockchain help address various issues related to traditional forms of online poker, because Cryptonia avoids processing delays in processing and other issues. Jamlock technology also helps to generate random numbers, ensuring a fair game.

PRE-ICO: Apr 10, 2018 - Apr 30, 2018
Hard cap: 200.000.000
CPC Price Token: 1 ETH = 11,000 CPC
ICO: May 01, 2018 - July 01, 2018
SoftCap: 15,000,000 USD or 275,000,000 CPC
Hard cap: 45,000,000 USD or 550,000,000
Total CPC Supply: 1,000,000,000
CPC Price Token
Stage 1: 1 ETH = 7,000 CPC
Stage 2: 1 ETH = 5,800 CPC


75% ICO
15% Tournament
5% Exchange
5% Team / Advisor

AUTHOR: Gunting

Minggu, 27 Mei 2018


Orbis Worldwide Money Transfer is an investment in the future! The team created a new financial unit, based on the blockchain of decentralized technology blockchain.

The Orbis team, really all employees work for the benefit of the company and always ready to help in any case. They are always in touch and not forgetting. Indeed, at this time, when we talk about the ICO project, this fact is very important.
All the prototypes created by the Orbis development team are available to the public, now you can get used to and try this system.
Orbis participates in any possible crypto, forum blocking, making a serious contract.

Information about ORBS tokens.

Many already know that the cryptocurrency platform has only one token at an unstable price. Orbis does not have more than two tokens: ORBIS Token (ORBS) and ORBISInvest Token (ORBSi)
Orbis makes it easy for customers to use a wallet with two types of coins:
ORBIS currents are made with a limited number of 8,000,000,000,000 tokens, which start at $ 0.50. ORBS symbols will be used to transfer funds safely without causing customers to lose money.
The ORBISInvest stream is created in a limited number of 80,000,000 tokens at a price of $ 0.50.
The ORBSi marker will be used by crypto currency buffs and investors to save and earn money from currency evaluations in the crypto currency market.


Starting February 1st and last until May 1st, 2018

Token name - ORBS
The ORBS token price is $ 0.50
Softcap - $ 500,000

Bonus from 1 February to 15 March 2018

Of 25,000 ORBS - 35%
From 15,000 ORBS - 30%
From 5000 ORBS - 25%
Of 1000 ORBS - 20%
From 1 ORBS - 15%

Bonus from 15 March to 10 May 2018

Of 25,000 ORBS - 25%
From 15,000 ORBS - 20%
From 5000 ORBS - 15%
Of 1000 ORBS - 10%
From 1 ORBS - 5%

Why is it feasible to support this project:

Orbis will provide innovative transfer, payment and investment services using token and blockchain technologies. This technology is combined with mobile software and human computers - the ability to transfer money, investments and payments, using data from self-service machines, as well as personal smartphones and computers with internet access.
The free wireless sales point will help small and large business owners receive payments for their services and products.
Everyone knows that many crypto-currency projects and systems only offer virtual services. Orbis team intends to open physical self-service ATMs around the world. This ATM is the only customer service system in the world that can automatically provide cash deposit, withdraw, transfer any payment.

Orbis will provide an IBAN debit card issued for access between customers and their funds.

How to IBAN debit card?

This card can be used for cases and unlimited funds to travel to the Orbis branch. Customers can also integrate their own debit card into a platform for withdrawal and withdrawal operations with their own bank account or another.
With a decentralized platform, Orbis customers will be able to save their money, transfer their funds, invest and receive credit or financing for their business with a simple click, by pressing a button or by tapping the screen. In some cases, there may be customers who may misunderstand or ask about the platform.

Read more about this system in this video:

They will always have a chance

to talk to client clients AI VR customer support service. The software will be available on desktop computers, laptops and mobile devices of all kinds. There will be step-by-step instructions for the use of each platform.

Official Links for Further Details

AUTHOR: Gunting


I have written about more than 150 ICOs in the last six months and spent hundreds of hours reading and thinking about it. I have to say that I am impressed with everything about DST projects, from their websites, promotional videos, ideas, well-established businesses, a ton of documents and letters with use cases and business plans for the future and of course people in behind this project. This is how you prepare the project for ICO and present it to the public and potential investors, and all future ICOs can learn from DST. Great respect from me


DST - is a decentralized silver ecosystem with underlying blockchain technology, utilizes smart contract protocols to enable traditional industry silver mining to digitize industrial sources, increase circulation assets and production efficiency, and enhance the credibility of quality assurance through a credible and sophisticated verification process and certification of guarantee cards .

DST aims to build a silver mining ecosystem characterized by joint creation, integration, coexistence and collective consultation. The development of the mining industry is an ongoing process of continuing the industry chain and the evolution of sustainable ecosystems. The development of the silver mining ecosystem will bring breakthroughs and subversive development of new kinetic energy to industrial progress and win-win cooperation. DST is committed to building new mining ecosystems, expanding science and technology, resources, funding, branding, public relations and investor relations, and contributing greatly to the promotion for prosperity and silver development with complementary advantages and evolutionary improvements.

The silver mineral resource is a resource of heavy assets. It has always been a topic of discussion in industry about how to make resources flow and liquidate. On the basis of the international silver retail industry, DST will create a silver ecosystem with the help of blockchain technology, so it can digitize industrial resources, create outstanding assets, and further promote industry development and innovation.

Market Overview

Production cost of silver has been affected by lower grade of silver ore
Due to decline of ore grade and the increase of cost, the output of the two largest silver mines in the world has registered sharp decline. The days of producing 15-20 ounces of silver per ton of ore are gone forever. Nowadays, the main silver industry is likely to produce silver only at an average of 4-5 ounces per ton.
As the silver mining industry is continuously affected by decline of ore grade, the cost will only continue to increase. However, the biggest impact on the silver industry is not from the decline of the ore grades, but from oil in the world.
Advantages of DST

Significance of Blockchain in Silver Ecosystem DST

To digitalize silver mining industry with blockchain so as to enhance its liquidity and obtain cash flow
To track origin of mineral products with blockchain so as to ensure its uniqueness and exclusiveness can not be tampered
To increase financial service abilities of industry, the payment application of the industrial chain and the applied scenarios
To promote relevant cultural projects with [Suspicious link removed] munity, expend marketing and commercial channels and to increase competitiveness
To increase subjects appreciated by the public and investors
Primary details

Token: DST

Total tokens published: 545,000,000 DST

Total tokens available for sale: 12.84% or 70,000,000 DST:

  • Private-Sales 9.17% of total token sold, or 50,000,000 DST;

  • Pre-Sales 1.8% of total token sold, or 10,000,000 DST;

  • Token Sale 1.8% of total token sold, or 10,000,000 DST.

Currency received: Ethereum (ETH)

Token Issue Date: Not yet announced


April 20, 2018 - May 19, 2018

Token available: 10,000,000 DST

Close hard: 6,666 ETH

Pre-sale price: 1 ETH = 1,500 DST (with bonus)

Minimum Purchase Transaction: 1.0 ETH

Maximum Purchase Transaction: Unlimited

Bonus: visit DStoken.io for contact information Authorized Distributor

The main sales

May 26, 2018 - August 15, 2018

Token available: 10,000,000 DST

Hard stamp on Primary Sales: 6,666 ETH

Main Sale Price: 1 ETH = 1,500 DST

Maximum Purchase Transaction: None

Bonus: No bonus at this stage


How to join

Visit our official DSToken.io website and subscribe to our newsletter!

BOUNTY Campaign

Number of Bounty: 1 500 000 DST (1 DST = 0.0006 ETH)

The total allocation for bounty is 0.003% of the total token supply. With the DST token price set to 1.20 USD, it means that the gift reward value can amaze 1,800,000 USD!

Bounty allocation:

39% (585 000 DST) Signature & Avatar Campaign

26% (390 000 DST) Content creation

20% (300 000 DST) Social media, including:








15% (225 000 DST) Translation and moderation

Join the DST Community

AUTHOR: Gunting